Examples for error propagation

Hear we use the same config in particle_amplitude.py

 9 config_str = """
10 decay:
11     A:
12        - [R1, B]
13        - [R2, C]
14        - [R3, D]
15     R1: [C, D]
16     R2: [B, D]
17     R3: [B, C]
19 particle:
20     $top:
21        A: { mass: 1.86, J: 0, P: -1}
22     $finals:
23        B: { mass: 0.494, J: 0, P: -1}
24        C: { mass: 0.139, J: 0, P: -1}
25        D: { mass: 0.139, J: 0, P: -1}
26     R1: [ R1_a, R1_b ]
27     R1_a: { mass: 0.7, width: 0.05, J: 1, P: -1}
28     R1_b: { mass: 0.5, width: 0.05, J: 0, P: +1}
29     R2: { mass: 0.824, width: 0.05, J: 0, P: +1}
30     R3: { mass: 0.824, width: 0.05, J: 0, P: +1}
32 """
34 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
35 import yaml
37 from tf_pwa.config_loader import ConfigLoader
38 from tf_pwa.histogram import Hist1D
40 config = ConfigLoader(yaml.full_load(config_str))
41 input_params = {
42     "A->R1_a.BR1_a->C.D_total_0r": 6.0,
43     "A->R1_b.BR1_b->C.D_total_0r": 1.0,
44     "A->R2.CR2->B.D_total_0r": 2.0,
45     "A->R3.DR3->B.C_total_0r": 1.0,
46 }
47 config.set_params(input_params)
49 data = config.generate_toy(1000)
50 phsp = config.generate_phsp(10000)
9.7%[▓▓▓▓>---------------------------------------------] 0.51/5.22s eff: 90.000000%
82.6%[▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓>--------] 1.48/1.79s eff: 8.013083%
102.1%[▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓>] 2.04/2.00s eff: 6.072845%
100.0%[▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 2.04/2.04s  eff: 6.094579%

After we calculated the parameters error, we will have an error matrix config.inv_he (using the inverse hessain). It is possible to save such matrix directly by numpy.save and to load it by numpy.load.

57 config.get_params_error(data=[data], phsp=[phsp])
Using Model
Time for calculating errors: 0.6394963264465332
hesse_error: [0.06368466266913815, 0.10248136357962974, 0.1194471318835248, 0.10732464158763698, 0.0810388678367542, 0.12337668814702782]

{'A->R1_b.BR1_b->C.D_total_0r': 0.06368466266913815, 'A->R1_b.BR1_b->C.D_total_0i': 0.10248136357962974, 'A->R2.CR2->B.D_total_0r': 0.1194471318835248, 'A->R2.CR2->B.D_total_0i': 0.10732464158763698, 'A->R3.DR3->B.C_total_0r': 0.0810388678367542, 'A->R3.DR3->B.C_total_0i': 0.12337668814702782}

We can use the following method to profamance the error propagation

\[\sigma_{f} = \sqrt{\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} V_{ij} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_j }}\]

by adding some calculation here. We need to use tensorflow functions instead of those of math or numpy.

68 import tensorflow as tf
70 with config.params_trans() as pt:
71     a2_r = pt["A->R2.CR2->B.D_total_0r"]
72     a2_i = pt["A->R2.CR2->B.D_total_0r"]
73     a2_x = a2_r * tf.cos(a2_i)

And then we can calculate the error we needed as

78 print(a2_x.numpy(), pt.get_error(a2_x).numpy())
-0.8322936730942848 0.2669334853947521

We can also calculate some more complex examples, such as the ratio in mass range (0.75, 0.85) over full phace space. Even further, we can get the error of error in the meaning of error propagation.

 84 from tf_pwa.data import data_mask
 86 m_R2 = phsp.get_mass("(B, D)")
 87 cut_cond = (m_R2 < 0.85) & (m_R2 > 0.75)
 89 amp = config.get_amplitude()
 91 with config.params_trans() as pt1:
 92     with config.params_trans() as pt:
 93         int_mc = tf.reduce_sum(amp(phsp))
 94         cut_phsp = data_mask(phsp, cut_cond)
 95         cut_int_mc = tf.reduce_sum(amp(cut_phsp))
 96         ratio = cut_int_mc / int_mc
 97     error = pt.get_error(ratio)
 99 print(ratio.numpy(), "+/-", error.numpy())
100 print(error.numpy(), "+/-", pt1.get_error(error).numpy())
0.385674297531734 +/- 0.010879651404439906
0.010879651404439906 +/- 0.0006798527108116393

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 3.883 seconds)

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