Examples for particle model

decay system is model as





16 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
18 from tf_pwa.amp import Decay, DecayChain, DecayGroup, Particle
19 from tf_pwa.vis import plot_decay_struct

We can easy create some instance of Particle and then combine them as Decay

25 a = Particle("A")
26 b = Particle("B")
27 c = Particle("C")
28 d = Particle("D")
30 r = Particle("R")
32 dec1 = Decay(a, [r, b])
33 dec2 = Decay(r, [c, d])

DecayChain is a list of Decays.

39 decay_chain = DecayChain([dec1, dec2])
40 decay_chain
[A->R+B, R->C+D]

We can plot it using matplotlib.

45 plot_decay_struct(decay_chain)
46 plt.show()
ex1 partial model

DecayGroup is a list of DecayChain with the same initial and final states

51 decay_group = DecayGroup([decay_chain])
52 decay_group
[[A->R+B, R->C+D]]

We can build a simple function to infer the charge from final states.

58 def charge_infer(dec, charge_map):
59     # use particle equal condition
60     cached_charge = {Particle(k): v for k, v in charge_map.items()}
61     # loop for all decays in decay chain
62     for i, dec_i in dec.depth_first(False):
63         # all out particles has charge
64         assert all(i in cached_charge for i in dec_i.outs)
65         # the charge or core particle is the sum of
66         cached_charge[dec_i.core] = sum(cached_charge[i] for i in dec_i.outs)
67     return cached_charge
70 charges = {
71     "B": -1,
72     "C": 0,
73     "D": 1,
74 }
76 charge_infer(decay_chain, charges)
{B: -1, C: 0, D: 1, R: 1, A: 0}

See more in cal_chain_boost.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.064 seconds)

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